Tennis Coaching News

Tennis Leaders (03/07)

On Saturday 3rd July, Marina will be running a LTA Tennis Leaders Course at Brondesbury for our teenage players (13 y/o +)
It will run from 11.00am - 3.00pm and the cost is £40.

The content is suitable for those just starting out on the tennis career pathway. 

The Leaders then have to complete 6 voluntary hours at the club working with their coach, after which they receive a T-shirt and a Certificate and can then work as a 'volunteer', for which they get 'paid' their expenses. This course will allow them to help out with the Junior Programme.

To book please email Marinawith the following:
- Full name
- Address
- British Tennis Membership number (can sign up here)
- Parent's mobile
- Leader's mobile
- T-shirt size (Adult Unisex S – XL)

Autumn Adult Programme

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In order to reserve your place, please email back with your mobile number and which classes you would like to attend.

Full schedule & pricing HERE.

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