Annual Subscription Guidelines

2013 annual subscription rates for membership of the cricket section are as follows:- 

Full Member




Under 18


Subscriptions are due in full by 1st May.

Failure to pay the subscription in full by this date will result in the person’s suspension from the section until such time as the amount owing is either settled in full or terms are agreed with the Section Treasurer.  Should these terms not be adhered to, the person will be suspended until full payment is received.

A person joining the section after 1st June will have four weeks to pay the full amount.

  • A person joining the section after 1st July will have four weeks to pay the amount owing, this being two thirds of the relevant subscription.
  • A person joining the section after 1st August will have four weeks to pay the amount owing, this being one half of the relevant subscription.
  • Failure to pay within these time constraints will result in the person’s suspension.
  • New members will be required to submit a £25 returnable deposit with their membership application form to join the section.  The application for membership will not be processed until this is received.

New member application forms and subscription renewal forms can be found on our dedicated website: