Squash Leagues

Hi Squash Members,

The new Squash Leagues for February are now up on the board. We now have 5 leagues up and would be happy to include any other members that wish to join in. It is the best way to meet up with fellow members and improve your squash at the same time.

Last month's league winners were Adam Tyson, Justin O'Dwyer, Ed Coventry in Leagues 1 - 3 respectively. No one played in League 4, so winners there then!

Please note that the flickering light problem is being looked at, and hopefully a solution will be found this week.

Enjoy the challenge and get playing your league games!


Squash Leagues are up and running!!

The new Squash Leagues are now up and running. The present leagues will run until end of November 2011, so get cracking and arrange your games now. The leagues are shown on the board in Squash Courts Lobby, showing names and their contact numbers, so no excuse now!

I will be looking to run a Squash Tournament on Saturday 3rd December 2011, so book it in your diaries now. Further details to follow soon.

If you wish to join in the next leagues starting 1st December 2011 and ending 8th January 2012 (to allow for your Xmas/New Year holidays!!), please let me know, my email address is [email protected]

Enjoy the leagues and make sure you are around for the December Tournament!!



Annual Renewal of Membership: 1 Oct 2011 - 30 Sept 2012

Annual Renewal of Membership: 1 Oct 2011 - 30 Sept 2012

 Dear Squash Members,

May I ask all members that have still to pay their subscriptions for the new season to do so as it is now well overdue!

You may renew your annual subscription online at www.Brondesburysc.co.uk  You should already have received an email from the new system (if you have the supplied the club with an email address) which includes your user-id and password. You can then login to the site, click on Your Membership Account in the User Menu, where you will find a renewal notice. Renew your membership as it stands. You have the option of paying either on-line by card or of indicating you will be sending me a cheque. If paying by cheque please remember to make it payable to 'Brondesbury Squash Club', and leave it in my mail pigeonhole inside the Clubhouse.

Please note that we are now running Squash leagues from 1st November 2011, so if interested let me know.

I am always looking for new ideas - and help of course!! Enjoy your squash!


ps: My email address is [email protected]



RacketBall Open Evening Event

Brondesbury Squash section are hosting an open evening for Racketball on Wednesday 5th October from 7.30pm-9.30pm.

The general rules of the game are very similar to Squash so why not pop down and find out all about Racketball and what it has to offer.  The evening will give you the chance to become familiar with the rules, see some of our regular players in action as well as being able to play and try it out for yourself on our Squash courts.  We have a number of rackets and balls that will be available for use on the night and if that is not tempting enough, we are even throwing in nibbles for the occasion which will be available in the Club House bar.

Over the coming days there will be more information uploaded on to the website and posted around the club and apparently our new Squash Coach is even a dab hand at Racketball, handy that!


Membership Renewals and News Updates

Dear Squash Members

It is that time of the year when your squash renewals will soon be due - from 1st October 2011. Please pay your membership renewals via the Club website, which will keep things nice and easy for both you and for our Club records. Can I please also ask ALL PRESENT MEMBERS to send to me their swipe card numbers, as I need to wipe off all the old ones. These old numbers will be wiped off from end of October, so no confirmation will mean no access to the courts!! My email address is [email protected]

Squash News Updates:

The AGM for the Squash will take place at the Club on Sunday 9th October 2011 at 6pm

As a trial another Squash 'Social' will take place on Sunday 9th October from 4:00pm - 5:45pm just before the AGM. If this is successful it will continue to run on Sundays from 3pm - 5pm, which will allow you to have a drink at the bar from 4pm, watch the footie, and grab something to eat (hopefully depending on numbers interested) 

Coaching Courses with our new Club Coach Derek Thorpe

A Begineers Squash Course running for 5 weeks will start from Thursday 13th October 2011 between 7:30 - 9pm. This will cost £40. A minimum number of 7 people will be required to run this course. If interested please leave your cheques (payable to Brondesbury Squash Club)in my pigeon hole (under Squash Secretary) to confirm your place. Please be sure to leave me your contact details as well. If this course is cancelled I will inform interested parties about it and return your payments.

A Junior Squash Taster Course for 7 years and up will be run on Sunday 16th October 2011 between 10:30 - 12:30 am. This will cost £2.50 per hourly session, or £5 for the whole period. If enough numbers interested a further course will be run at a later date. All monies to be paid on the day to the Squash coach Derek Thorpe. 

Squash Leagues. Please let me know if interested in taking part in leagues. I will then get these up and running in late October 2011.

Here is to an enjoyable new squash season at Brondesbury Squash Club. Get your family/friends interested as well in joining up. 

Best regards



New Squash Coach at Brondesbury

It is with great pleasure that we can introduce our new Squash Coach to Brondesbury. 

Derek Thorpe has a serious Squash CV which include being crowned County Champion no less than 6 times, Herts County Veteran champion in 2003 and Vets of GB Champion in 2004 and 2008.  He has been Captain of the England team and even appears in the Guinness Book of Records for a Squash marathon lasting 54.75hours!

Derek became a professional coach in 2005 and we are thrilled that he will be working at Brondesbury helping to train anyone and everyone from complete novices to advanced players.  Derek will be running a number of different group classes starting in October so watch this space and the Squash noticeboard for more details.


To contact Derek for individual coaching please email [email protected] or call him on 07887 560601.

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