Possible Mobile Phone Mast on Brondesbury land

At the AGM the subject of allowing a mobile phone mast to be erected on Brondesbury land was discussed. The mast positions suggested were either near houses in Farm Avenue or Harman Drive, or near the tennis courts. The meeting rejected all these positions because of health risks and aesthetic considerations.

The company concerned, Shared Access, has recently approached us again with a new suggested position for the mast. The new site is away from the above streets and away from the courts. As shown on the attached photo the new site is behind the club sheds and near the path between our grounds and UCS grounds that leads from Farm Avenue to Menelik Road.

The mast erection would be subject to normal planning consent and all members and neighbours would have the opportunity to state any reservations through the normal Barnet planning process.

Shared Access has also increased their financial offer, further helping us to implement better sports facilities. Therefore we have agreed that they should start the next stage of the process, which is to confirm the location before taking the issue to planning.