Agenda items and/or nominations for members wishing to stand for election for any of the offices listed below should be sent by e-mail to:  [email protected]

together with the names of a proposer and seconder by 7th November, 2015

Officers to be elected are: President * Treasurer * Secretary * Bar Chairman * General Committee Member x 3

Incorporation of the Club

Members who attended the Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2014 will remember that there was a discussion about plans to ‘Incorporate’ the club, and the general committee was authorised to proceed with the necessary preparatory steps.  We have now done considerable work on drafting the new company’s constitution (called its Memorandum and Articles of Association) which may be found document here.

Please have  a look at the note at pdf Incorporation - Explanatory note for 2015 AGM which explains how we proceed from here. 

You may want to compare the new company’s constitution with our existing constitution pdf here , and to see the note from our solicitors which confirms that – subject to specified exceptions – the new constitution ‘mirrors’ the existing constitution in all material respects- see pdf this written statement from Foot Anstey

Please have a look at the these documents.  If you have any questions or comments regarding the new constitution, please could you email them to me by 15th November, so as to allow us time to consider any points in advance of the AGM.

There will be an Agenda item to approve the new constitution. The Agenda will be sent out after November 7th, once any agenda items or nominations have been received.

The annual accounts are available pdf here - Accounts 2015. Last year's minutes are available document here -AGM 2014 Minutes.


1.       Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall (unless otherwise decided by the General Committee) be held at the Clubhouse on Sunday November 22nd at 6:00pm for the following purposes:

a.      To receive from the Honorary Treasurer a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year.

b.      To receive reports from the other officers of the Club and (where appropriate) other members of the General Committee and from a representative (appointed for this purpose by each Sectional Committee) of each of the playing sections.

c.       To elect the Officers of the Club and any other member of the General Committee for the ensuing year.

d.      To decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted to the meeting as provided below

e.      To deal with any other business referred to the meeting by the General Committee or which may be raised by any Officer or Member.

2.       Special General  Meetings

The General Committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special General Meeting and it shall do so upon the requisition in writing of any fifteen Full Members of the Club stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.

3.       Members’ Resolutions

Any member desirous of moving any resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall deliver written notice of the resolution to the Honorary Secretary not less than 7 days before the meeting provided that the Chairman of the meeting may with the consent of not less than ten members present put to the meeting a resolution (other than any resolution special notice of which is required to be given under these rules) of which no such notice has been given and provided further than nothing in this regulation shall prevent any member at any general meeting proposing any amendment to a resolution.

4.       Notice of General Meetings

The Honorary Secretary shall at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting post prominently on a notice board in the Club house notice of the meeting and of the business to be transacted thereat and save as provided above no business other than that of which notice has been so given shall be conducted at the meeting.

5.       Conduct of General Meetings

At all General Meetings the President of the Club and in his absence a member selected by the meeting shall chair the meeting. Every Full Member present shall be entitled to one vote upon every motion and in the case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote and save as directed by the Chairman voting shall be by show of hands.

6.       Quorum

The quorum at all General Meetings shall be on any motion proposing any repeal or amendment of the Club Rules 20 Full Members and for all other business 10 Full Members.

7.       Election of Officers

No member shall be eligible to elected an Officer of the Club unless he is at the meeting proposed and seconded by Full Members and unless the member proposed has indicated his willingness to stand for such office (either, if he is present, by so indicating at the meeting itself or, if he is absent, by having prior to the meeting given written notice of his willingness to stand to the Honorary Secretary).