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A celebration of our new floodlights will take place on the afternoon and early evening of Sunday 13th November. Please look out for future newsletters and posters advertising the timings and details of the following events:

3.00pm- Parent/Child Tournament (10&U). Email Marina to sign up.

5.00pm onwards:

Torch Relay

Lavarello Cup (11 y/o+)

After the success of the Laver Cup in London last month, the LTA has given us permission to host the inaugural Lavarello Cup. This is a tournament match between Cricklewood and the rest of the World. Teams will be chosen based on address and proximity to the club - should you wish to participate, please contact Matt on [email protected] stating whether you are based in Cricklewood or the rest of the World. If you think you are based anywhere else, maybe contact Angus for counselling. Now that Roger Federer has retired, what have you got to lose … apart from your dignity?

Matt Bamford